Cults. Those weird, overly-committed groups of people that we are all low-key fascinated by. I know I’ve watched more than one documentary on cults and the effect they have on people.
But you would certainly know if you were in a cult… wouldn’t you?
Especially if it was a cult who’s existence caused the destruction of non-renewable resources and exploitation of living beings. You would definitely know, right?

Many Instagram influencers are turning a blind eye to the multitude of issues that our planet is faced with (COVID, child trafficking, the extreme effects of global warming that we are experiencing on this planet) and are, instead, pushing items for you to buy. Convincing you that you have material needs outside of having a safe home and to stay healthy.
Social media influencers are cashing in on your panic purchases and “influencing” you to continue to play into the digital capitalistic societal structure that has screwed everyone still in quarantine or placed on the unemployed list during the COVID outbreak.
They’ve helped move the Patriarchy to the digital world.
Influencers are keeping the masses in a perpetual loop of consumption while they continue to personally profit from this needless consumption. When you buy items from influencers, you are unconsciously promoting their unattainable lifestyle… and they want you to. They want you to continue to fund their newly built homes while they share pictures of unsustainable clothing. The production of which destroys our planet. They never show pictures of wearing an outfit more than once, or what they do with all the merchandise they are gifted. They make it a point not to discuss sustainability or the economic impact of the dollars we continue to throw into their pockets. Because it hurts their “brand”.
Sure, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. Many of them might not be aware of the consequences of their actions. But also… many of them are. As a whole, Influencers know what they’re doing. They at least have an idea and they simply don’t care. Instagram Influencers can pay their bills, pull in extra income for their spouse to leave their job, and send their kids to the types of schools they want. They don’t have to think twice about the ramifications of having the influence to drive consumer habits – because they don’t have to.
They are being highly rewarded for their followers staying asleep to the egregious cost of consumer habits and choices.
Swipe up links to make your purchases easier than ever, brand collaborations with companies who are only focused on their bottom line, and an unending cycle of Keeping Up with The Jones’s (or the Kardashians, depending on your generation, I guess) to keep you – the consumer of this influence – in an unending cycle of Observe-Idolize-Purchase-Repeat.
And then there are influencers who brag about “saying no to companies or products that don’t align with my values.”
I’m curious what those values are exactly. Somehow they never seem to say.
It can’t be because they have a vision for a sustainable future. It can’t be that they understand the need to sacrifice some profit potential in order to create a pathway to a future where our planet’s health is not compromised in order for them to thrive financially.
If influencers were aware of the cost of their influence, does anyone think they will change?
I don’t.
Corporations have been aware of the destruction they are causing on this planet for decades and they have not changed their ways. Why?
Because their consumers and followers are not making them change.
As a follower, you are unknowingly one of the cult members supporting the cult leader. Following and seeing absolutely no error in their ways.
Step back and think for a minute – if these people offered any value besides serving as a living, breathing billboard for corporations… do you think they would have as much “influence” as they do?
I don’t.
Say no to cults. Unfollow your cult leaders. Free yourselves.
Wake up and realize: if we don’t have a planet to live on, NONE of those possessions matter.
Your individual choices are more impactful than you have been led to believe. It’s time to use that power for the betterment of your life and the lives of generations to come.