March 26, 2025

My Evolving Relationship with Life Path Numbers

Life Path Numbers.

Some people know what they are, some people don’t. This is me writing a blog post about my journey with them, how I came to find out about them initially, and how I now see them as a result of my experience. Emotionally prepare yourself accordingly.

I might include links to my previous work, for the sake of humor, mostly. I like to laugh at my own growth as a writer and human in the world as much as I love appeasing the SEO computer overlords that decide when my work gets seen, who sees it, how often it gets recommended to other readers of the same content, and how much money I can creatively generate as a result of that highly complex mathematical equation. I think the kids these days are calling them “algorithms“. I hear they use them to find potential partners, friends, jobs, houses, careers, educational goals, shoes, new technology, whatever. They sound rather important to consider. Algorithms. Al-Gore-Rhythms.

Wait… what?

Anyway, Life Path Numbers. In my youth as a wonder-filled child, I came across this concept that was called “Life Path Numbers”. Legend told that it was a number (generated from adding up all the digits of your birthday and reducing) that would tell you the path your life would take and what the focus of your life would be.

“Awesome,” thought Harry Potter obsessed Jordan, as she sat at her family’s computer with unmonitored internet access and an innate curiosity that lent itself to far too many hours logged playing NeoPets and eventually writing in this thing called a LiveJournal.

I did the math and figured out the one-digit number that would reveal the Secrets of the Universe to my pure innocent mind and show me what it was all intended for. Yes, even back then little Jordan was wondering, “Why am I here? Why are people the way that they are? What’s the purpose of this place and these experiences?”

If it was modern day Jordan who didn’t know her Life Path Number, she would look here.

Anyone else feel like they had to scroll a really long time to see their birth year? Yeah, me either.

*Insert “Hello Fellow Youth” meme where that old guy is dressed up as a young person with a backwards hat and a skateboard.*

I’m still learning how to be like a super tech-savvy blogger so enjoy the blog post with narrated visual aspects rather than pictures. I apologize to anyone who lacks imagination, but now visually impaired people can access this post in a way they couldn’t before. So that’s kinda cool.

Life Path Numbers – I swear, dear reader, I am getting there. I am someone who takes the longer journey toward my destintion. There’s much more to see and taste and touch and smell that way. Lollygag is my current pace preference.

So I found out that my Life Path Number was 7, which was cool because 7 was already my favorite number at the time I found out about Life Path Numbers. Now I think I like 17, 47, and 3. They seem to follow me everywhere!

I looked up the description for the number 7, and back then it said some vague weird stuff about being a “mystical religious life path that many people who pursue a higher understanding of life’s mysteries have.” My Catholic School Girl mind went straight to Nun. Cool. Being a nun. This super cool Life Path Number thing that I just learned about wants me to be a nun. No, it’s cool. I totally wanted to focus my life on wearing weird dresses and never dating or marrying and having kids. No, it’s fine I didn’t have any other dreams or desires. Nun. I’ll be a nun.

As you can imagine, I threw the results out for that stupid dumb old test as fast as I could. It was probably about as true as horoscopes were. We all know how general and ambiguous those things are anyway. Life Path Numbers had to be the same way.

See, the only path I knew about for a woman to pursue a higher understanding of life’s mysteries was as a nun. Catholic School gave me so many of my gifts. Well, it gave me an awareness of them and helped me refine them. But Catholic School never gave me the opportunity to see the many varied paths to The Divine, to God, that exist.

No. As you can imagine, my lived life experience gave me that.

I never really thought much about Life Path Numbers after that. I had other things to focus on. Boys. Friends. Sports. Movies. Going to the mall. Reading books. Surviving my parents’ divorce. You know, #millenialthings.

Well, eventually I made my way back to Life Path Numbers. It was probably around the same time that I had to begin googling, “Why am I hearing voices that tell me weird things that eventually come true?” It was definitely before I began googling the side effects of my anti-psychotic depression medication, though.

The definition available on the above linked website reads:

“Seven is a cerebral number, and those with a Life Path Number 7 have a loner quality. They need to learn to have faith. If they do not have faith they tend to become very cynical and escape through drugs, alcohol, work, and geography. They have a love of natural beauty: ocean, green grass, plants, flowers, etc.. Life Path Number 7 is the number of higher awareness, a wider point of view. Sevens tend to have an air of mystery and do not want you to know who they are. Intellectual, analytical, intuitive, reserved, a natural inclination towards spiritual subjects, aloof, loner, pessimistic, secretive, and insecure; are some of the qualities of those born into the Seventh Life path.”

Mid-twenties Jordan stumbling across those words was much more receptive to the information they held. Though, I’m sure if I had originally read the description above instead of the one I read way back when, I might have been more interested.

As I sit here writing this blog post during my daughter’s naptime and I look out the window at the overcast Oregon Coast scattered with people and dogs and significantly less glass and garbage than I have ever seen on it before (Afterall, we did travel to an eco-friendly hotel during the C-19 Outbreak on the one weekend that actual Divine Intervention allowed for us to be here), I can’t help but think – am I living a really low-budget version of Sex and The City? I really don’t know because I never watched that show. Not enough animation or jokes for my taste.

I do still wonder if the events and experiences and sights and smells and tastes and touches we encounter in this life are really truly intended for something. I wonder about it frequently, even still. I dream about it. Some might even say that I fantasize about it.

But now that I have more acceptance toward myself, my path, my energy, and – most importantly, I think – a clear connection to my intuition and the spiritual assistance available to me in this lifetime, I’m a lot more inclined to think this Life Path Number thing might know a thing or two.

If you read all the way through this blog post, you deserve a little prize. So I’ll link back to a few works that I think are related to the evolution of my relationship with my Life Path Number so you don’t have to search endlessly on my slightly jumbled website. Like I said – still working on being the tech-savvy blogger of my dreams.

Here’s one about Synchronicity.

Here’s one about Surrendering.

Here’s one about Manic Monday. *This one might be the best one, if you only want to read one other, this is the one. Aka – I’m already mentally writing a blog post that connects back to these insights and you guys, all I’m going to say is that my dreams the other night had me on a train arriving at the Disney Campus.

Here’s one about Getting in Touch with Your Inner Self. *Okay, okay second best post award goes here.

What’s your Life Path Number?

Start where you are, use what you have.

xx – Jo